Check your current VCF BOM version on the product your updating and also the for any issues with versions.
Check the security advisory on what is available to patch for your vcf version
Check release notes for issues on that version that may impact you
Login to the portal to download the async tools for your VCF version
Extract it
Bin directory has the tool required
The following command to get a list of aysnc patches
vcf-async-patch-tool.bat –listAsyncPatch –du
Run the following command with the patch details your are updating too.
mine is ESX_HOST 7.0.3-24585291 [VCF] bundle-210500
vcf-async-patch-tool.bat -d –patch ESX_HOST:7.0.3-24585291 –du broadcom_support_email –sku VCF –sddcManagerVersion
After downloaded use winscp to copy to sddc manager
Copy apToolBundles folder to /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/
Update permissions of the apToolBundles folder
Login to sddc manager via ssh vcf user
cd /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/
chmod -R 755 apToolBundles/
chown -R vcf:vcf apToolBundles/
Now copy the async tools to sddc manager
Copy the vcf-async-patch-tool- folder to /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/
Change permissions for the async tool folder
cd /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/
chmod -R 755 vcf-async-patch-tool-
chown -R vcf:vcf vcf-async-patch-tool-
Exit to be in vcf user mode
Now we will upload the patch to sddc Manager gui
cd /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/vcf-async-patch-tool-
./vcf-async-patch-tool -e –patch ESX_HOST:7.0.3-24585291 –sddcSSOUser administrator@vsphere.local –sddcSSHUser vcf –outputDirectory /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/apToolBundles –it OFFLINE
This process may update sddc manager to a higher version
Patch will be available to install in the sddc manager gui, click update management will be done first
Go through the update wizard
It will update each esxi host
New version is now showing
After completed mgmt and workload domains deactivate the patch from sddc manager
cd /nfs/vmware/vcf/nfs-mount/vcf-async-patch-tool-
./vcf-async-patch-tool –disableAllPatches –sddcSSOUser administrator@vsphere.local –sddcSSHUser vcf
Fyi This didn’t change my network card and storage adapter drivers