SDDC UI currently has a limitation adding more then two nics per esxi host. The below has two API configs

1. To add an esxi host back to an existing cluster with four nics

2. Creating a new workload domain using four nics per esxi host.

This has been tested on VCF 4.0 & 4.4.

Add an esxi host back to an existing cluster with four nics

1. From api explorer in sddc manager get the unassigned host id

  • APIs for managing Hosts
  • click GET /v1/hosts
  • status text box, enter UNASSIGNED_USEABLE and click Execute
  • Under PageOfHost get the “id” of the host


2. Get license the key of your esxi hosts in vCenter


3. Get id of your clusters in sddc manager

  • -from api explorer
  • -APIs for managing Clusters
  • get /v1/clusters (Get the id of the cluster you want to add your esxi host back too)
  • execute
  • get the “id” from pageofCluster


4. Get VDS names you want to add your vmnic’s too

  • In virtual center under an existing host click virtual switches, get your vmnic to vds mapping

vds01 – vmnic0, vmnic3
vds02 – vmnic1, vmnic2

5. Validate config api config

  • go api explorer in sddc manager
  • APIs for managing Clusters
  • /v1/clusters/{id}/validations
  • Paste in the id of the cluster and the below code, modify your host id, nics, vds, and license key


6. Put host into cluster via sddc manager

  • go api explorer in sddc manager
  • APIs for managing Clusters
  • patch /v1/clusters/{id}
  • add the below information
  • execute

cluster id


Example API config

"clusterExpansionSpec": {
"interRackExpansion": "false",
"hostSpecs": [
"id": "644be10b-a075-46fc-a5f8-d1fac871accf",
"licenseKey": "44444-44444-44444-44444-44444",
"hostNetworkSpec": {
"vmNics": [
"id": "vmnic0",
"vdsName": "vds01"
"id": "vmnic1",
"vdsName": "vds02"
"id": "vmnic2",
"vdsName": "vds02"
"id": "vmnic3",
"vdsName": "vds01"

Create a new workload domain with four nics per esxi host

  • Remember to use your own vds names, ips, licenses keys, dns names, cluster&dc names, vsan name
  • Using api developer in sddc manager run the below
    run validator first to check if the config is good
    APIs for managing Domains
    POST /v1/domains/validations
  • Run the api
    POST /v1/domains


        "domainName": "wkld1",
        "orgName": "vcf.sddc.lab",
        "vcenterSpec": {
          "name": "vcenter-wld",
          "networkDetailsSpec": {
            "ipAddress": "",
            "dnsName": "vcenter-wld.vcf.sddc.lab",
            "gateway": "",
            "subnetMask": ""
        "licenseKey": "44444-44444-44444-44444-44444",
        "rootPassword": "VMware123!",
        "datacenterName": "wkld1-dc"
      "computeSpec": {
        "clusterSpecs": [
            "name": "wkld1-cl",
            "hostSpecs": [
           "id": "78b985ac-452f-4845-abce-f318e01d7d30",
                "licenseKey": "44444-44444-44444-44444-44444",
                "hostNetworkSpec": {
                  "vmNics": [
                               "id": "vmnic0",  
                               "vdsName": "vds01"  
                               "id": "vmnic3",  
                               "vdsName": "vds01"  
                               "id": "vmnic1",  
                               "vdsName": "vds02"  
                               "id": "vmnic2",  
                               "vdsName": "vds02"  
            "id": "145bb733-eecf-48d2-bda4-8ec7e3d02a00",
                    "hostNetworkSpec": {
                           "vmNics": [ 
                               "id": "vmnic0",  
                               "vdsName": "vds01"  
                               "id": "vmnic3",  
                               "vdsName": "vds01"  
                               "id": "vmnic1",  
                               "vdsName": "vds02"  
                               "id": "vmnic2",  
                               "vdsName": "vds02"  
            "id": "ca134930-68bd-4d4b-94b0-4e64ae1ac533",
                    "hostNetworkSpec": {
                           "vmNics": [ 
                               "id": "vmnic0",  
                               "vdsName": "vds01"  
                               "id": "vmnic3",  
                               "vdsName": "vds01"  
                               "id": "vmnic1",  
                               "vdsName": "vds02"  
                               "id": "vmnic2",  
                               "vdsName": "vds02"  
          "datastoreSpec": {
              "vsanDatastoreSpec": {
                  "failuresToTolerate": 1,
                  "licenseKey": "44444-44444-44444-44444-44444",
                  "datastoreName": "vsan-wld" 
         "networkSpec": {
          "vdsSpecs": [
              "name": "vds01",
              "portGroupSpecs": [
                  "name": "vds01-pg-mgmt",
                  "transportType": "MANAGEMENT"
                  "name": "vds01-pg-vsan",
                  "transportType": "VSAN"
                   "name": "vds01-pg-vmotion",
                   "transportType": "VMOTION"
            }, {
            "name" : "vds02",
              "isUsedByNsxt" : true

             "nsxClusterSpec": {
                 "nsxTClusterSpec": {
                     "geneveVlanId": 10
        "nsxTSpec": {
            "nsxManagerSpecs": [
                "name": "nsx1-wld",
                "networkDetailsSpec": {
                  "ipAddress": "",
                  "dnsName": "nsx1-wld.vcf.sddc.lab",
                  "gateway": "",
                  "subnetMask": ""
                "name": "nsx2-wld",
                "networkDetailsSpec": {
                  "ipAddress": "",
                  "dnsName": "nsx2-wld.vcf.sddc.lab",
                  "gateway": "",
                  "subnetMask": ""
                "name": "nsx3-wld",
                "networkDetailsSpec": {
                  "ipAddress": "",
                  "dnsName": "nsx3-wld.vcf.sddc.lab",
                  "gateway": "",
                  "subnetMask": ""
            "vip": "",
            "vipFqdn": "nsx-wld.vcf.sddc.lab",
            "licenseKey": "44444-44444-44444-44444-44444",
            "nsxManagerAdminPassword": "VMware123!VMware123!"

By Kader