The main thing in this json is that only one nsx-t manager (this can be modified to include the other nsx-t managers) will be deploy and no license keys have been added but it is fine to deploy without. This has been tested in my lab with or without VLC. It is for cloud builder input. This is for 4x Nics ESXi hosts and Management / Overlay is on VDS1 and vSAN / vMotion are on VDS2.

    "deployWithoutLicenseKeys": true,
  "skipEsxThumbprintValidation": true,
  "managementPoolName": "sfo-m01-np01",
  "sddcManagerSpec": {
    "secondUserCredentials": {
      "username": "vcf",
      "password": "VMware123!VMware123!"
    "ipAddress": "",
    "hostname": "sddc-manager",
    "rootUserCredentials": {
      "username": "root",
      "password": "VMware123!VMware123!"
    "localUserPassword": "VMware123!VMware123!"
  "sddcId": "sfo-m01",
  "esxLicense": "",
  "taskName": "workflowconfig/workflowspec-ems.json",
  "ceipEnabled": false,
  "fipsEnabled": false,
  "ntpServers": [""],
  "dnsSpec": {
    "subdomain": "vcf.sddc.lab",
    "domain": "vcf.sddc.lab",
    "nameserver": ""
  "networkSpecs": [
      "networkType": "MANAGEMENT",
      "subnet": "",
      "gateway": "",
      "vlanId": "10",
      "mtu": "1500",
      "portGroupKey": "sfo01-m01-cl01-vds01-pg-mgmt",
      "networkType": "VMOTION",
      "subnet": "",
      "gateway": "",
      "vlanId": "9",
      "mtu": "9000",
      "portGroupKey": "sfo01-m01-cl01-vds01-pg-vmotion",
      "includeIpAddressRanges": [{"endIpAddress": "", "startIpAddress": ""}],
      "networkType": "VSAN",
      "subnet": "",
      "gateway": "",
      "vlanId": "8",
      "mtu": "9000",
      "portGroupKey": "sfo01-m01-cl01-vds01-pg-vsan",
      "includeIpAddressRanges": [{"endIpAddress": "", "startIpAddress": ""}],
      "networkType": "VM_MANAGEMENT",
      "subnet": "",
      "gateway": "",
      "vlanId": "10",
      "mtu": "9000",
      "portGroupKey": "sfo01-m01-cl01-vds01-pg-vm-mgmt",
    "nsxtManagerSize": "large",
    "nsxtManagers": [
          "hostname": "nsx-mgmt-1",
          "ip": ""
    "rootNsxtManagerPassword": "VMware123!VMware123!",
    "nsxtAdminPassword": "VMware123!VMware123!",
    "nsxtAuditPassword": "VMware123!VMware123!",
    "vip": "",
    "vipFqdn": "nsx-mgmt",
    "nsxtLicense": "",
    "transportVlanId": 14,
    "ipAddressPoolSpec": {
       "name": "sfo01-m01-cl01-tep01",
       "description": "ESXi Host Overlay TEP IP Pool",
                   "start": "",
                   "end": ""
             "cidr": "",
             "gateway": ""
  "vsanSpec": {
      "vsanDedup": "false",
      "esaConfig": {
        "enabled": false
      "datastoreName": "sfo-m01-cl01-ds-vsan01"
  "dvsSpecs": [
      "dvsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds01",
      "vmnics": [
      "mtu": 9000,
      "nsxtSwitchConfig": {
        "transportZones": [ {
          "name": "sfo-m01-tz-overlay01",
          "transportType": "OVERLAY"
          "name": "sfo-m01-tz-vlan01",
          "transportType": "VLAN"
      "dvsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds02",
      "vmnics": [
      "mtu": 9000,
      "nsxtSwitchConfig": {
        "transportZones": [
          "name": "sfo-m01-tz-vlan02",
          "transportType": "VLAN"
    "clusterName": "sfo-m01-cl01",
    "clusterEvcMode": "",
    "clusterImageEnabled": true,
    "vmFolders": {
      "MANAGEMENT": "sfo-m01-fd-mgmt",
      "NETWORKING": "sfo-m01-fd-nsx",
      "EDGENODES": "sfo-m01-fd-edge"
  "pscSpecs": [
      "adminUserSsoPassword": "VMware123!VMware123!",
      "pscSsoSpec": {
        "ssoDomain": "vsphere.local"
  "vcenterSpec": {
      "vcenterIp": "",
      "vcenterHostname": "vcenter-mgmt",
      "vmSize": "medium",
      "storageSize": "",
      "rootVcenterPassword": "VMware123!VMware123!"
  "hostSpecs": [
      "association": "sfo-m01-dc01",
      "ipAddressPrivate": {
        "ipAddress": ""
      "hostname": "esxi-1",
      "credentials": {
        "username": "root",
        "password": "VMware123!VMware123!"
      "vSwitch": "vSwitch0"
      "association": "sfo-m01-dc01",
      "ipAddressPrivate": {
        "ipAddress": ""
      "hostname": "esxi-2",
      "credentials": {
        "username": "root",
        "password": "VMware123!VMware123!"
      "vSwitch": "vSwitch0"
      "association": "sfo-m01-dc01",
      "ipAddressPrivate": {
        "ipAddress": ""
      "hostname": "esxi-3",
      "credentials": {
        "username": "root",
        "password": "VMware123!VMware123!"
      "vSwitch": "vSwitch0"
      "association": "sfo-m01-dc01",
      "ipAddressPrivate": {
        "ipAddress": ""
      "hostname": "esxi-4",
      "credentials": {
        "username": "root",
        "password": "VMware123!VMware123!"
      "vSwitch": "vSwitch0"

By Kader

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