My esxi host management sit on 10.0.0.x/24 this is stretched.

ESXi host management on AZ1 IP addresses – – – VLAN 10

ESXi host management on AZ2 IP addresses – – – VLAN 10

My ESXi host transport tep AZ1 – 172.16.254.X – VLAN 14

My ESXi host transport tep AZ2 – 10.0.3.X – VLAN 3

My ESXi host vmotion on AZ1 – 10.0.4.x – VLAN 9

My ESXi host vmotion on AZ2 – 10.0.6.x – VLAN 6

My ESXi host vSAN on AZ1  – 10.0.8.x – VLAN 8

My ESXi host vSAN on AZ2 – 10.0.5.x – VLAN 5

The json created two fault domains primary and secondary. The hosts in the json were added to the secondary faulty domain.

What my witness esxi host looks like

I used witness separation in the json this added vSan Witness to vmk0 were management is

AZ2 host were added to a sub-cluster to determine it is AZ2

Host tep

Only az 2 hosts were added to the sub cluster

Network pool was created for the az 2 hosts

Different vlans and ip addresses for the two network pools in sddc manager

My vds 1 is where my overlay is

completed task is sddc

My json looks like – vds 2 was required even though not used as i have 4 nics, 2 on each vds. My overlay is setup on vds1.

	"clusterStretchSpec": {
		"hostSpecs": [
				"hostname": "esxi-10.vcf.sddc.lab",
				"hostNetworkSpec": {
					"networkProfileName": "sfo-m01-az2-nsx-np01",
					"vmNics": [
							"id": "vmnic0",
							"uplink": "uplink1",
							"vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds01"
							"id": "vmnic1",
							"uplink": "uplink2",
							"vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds01"
							"id": "vmnic2",
							"uplink": "uplink1",
							"vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds02"
							"id": "vmnic3",
							"uplink": "uplink2",
							"vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds02"
				"id": "aea476ec-515e-4515-9b33-8e73db2ecc62"
				"hostname": "esxi-11.vcf.sddc.labl",
				"hostNetworkSpec": {
					"networkProfileName": "sfo-m01-az2-nsx-np01",
					"vmNics": [
							"id": "vmnic0",
							"uplink": "uplink1",
							"vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds01"
							"id": "vmnic1",
							"uplink": "uplink2",
							"vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds01"
							"id": "vmnic2",
							"uplink": "uplink1",
							"vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds02"
							"id": "vmnic3",
							"uplink": "uplink2",
							"vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds02"
				"id": "a7e2e229-c768-425b-b361-0bb1140347ba"
				"hostname": "esxi-12.vcf.sddc.lab",
				"hostNetworkSpec": {
					"networkProfileName": "sfo-m01-az2-nsx-np01",
					"vmNics": [
							"id": "vmnic0",
							"uplink": "uplink1",
							"vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds01"
							"id": "vmnic1",
							"uplink": "uplink2",
							"vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds01"
							"id": "vmnic2",
							"uplink": "uplink1",
							"vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds02"
							"id": "vmnic3",
							"uplink": "uplink2",
							"vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds02"
				"id": "5f0a95ab-042a-4646-9297-b6b9a97cf84e"
				"hostname": "esxi-13.vcf.sddc.lab",
				"hostNetworkSpec": {
					"networkProfileName": "sfo-m01-az2-nsx-np01",
					"vmNics": [
							"id": "vmnic0",
							"uplink": "uplink1",
							"vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds01"
							"id": "vmnic1",
							"uplink": "uplink2",
							"vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds01"
							"id": "vmnic2",
							"uplink": "uplink1",
							"vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds02"
							"id": "vmnic3",
							"uplink": "uplink2",
							"vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds02"
				"id": "534f0a88-c6b5-4657-b179-0b5cd1f2aa83"
		"networkSpec": {
			"networkProfiles": [
				"name": "sfo-m01-az2-nsx-np01",
				"isDefault": false,
				"nsxtHostSwitchConfigs": [
				"vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds01",
				"uplinkProfileName": "sfo-m01-az2-host-uplink-profile-vds01",
				"ipAddressPoolName": "sfo-m01-az2-host-ip-pool01",
				"vdsUplinkToNsxUplink": [
					"vdsUplinkName": "uplink1",
					"nsxUplinkName": "uplink-1"
                "vdsUplinkName": "uplink2",
                "nsxUplinkName": "uplink-2"
            "vdsName": "sfo-m01-cl01-vds02",
            "uplinkProfileName": "sfo-m01-az2-host-uplink-profile-vds02",
            "vdsUplinkToNsxUplink": [
                "vdsUplinkName": "uplink1",
                "nsxUplinkName": "uplink-1"
                "vdsUplinkName": "uplink2",
                "nsxUplinkName": "uplink-2"
			"nsxClusterSpec": {
				"ipAddressPoolsSpec": [
						"description": "MGMT WLD AZ2 Host TEP Pool",
						"name": "sfo-m01-az2-host-ip-pool01",
						"subnets": [
								"cidr": "",
								"gateway": "",
								"ipAddressPoolRanges": [
										"end": "",
										"start": ""
				"uplinkProfiles": [
					"name": "sfo-m01-az2-host-uplink-profile-vds01",
					"teamings": [
						"activeUplinks": [
						"name": "DEFAULT",
						"policy": "LOADBALANCE_SRCID",
						"standByUplinks": []
						"transportVlan": 3
						"name": "sfo-m01-az2-host-uplink-profile-vds02",
						"teamings": [
								"activeUplinks": [
								"name": "DEFAULT",
								"policy": "LOADBALANCE_SRCID",
								"standByUplinks": []
						"transportVlan": null
		"witnessSpec": {
			"fqdn": "esxi-wit.vcf.sddc.lab",
			"vsanCidr": "",
			"vsanIp": ""
		"witnessTrafficSharedWithVsanTraffic": false,
		"isEdgeClusterConfiguredForMultiAZ": false,
	    "deployWithoutLicenseKeys": true

By Kader

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