The below are two scripts that I use to check my front facing websites SSL certificates and the days remaining until they expire. I use it to check my core VMware products expiry. You need to run it on a linux box and have python installed. Put the files you create into one folder and don’t forgot to change the permissions so they execute “chmod -R 0777 filename”. It should output a txt file with the list of your certificates you specified.

  1. save as and modify with your FQDN’s or IP address below is an example of my lab environment
echo 'inDays' > $OUTPUT_FILE
echo 'LDAP - ldap.vcf.sddc.lab' >> $OUTPUT_FILE
./ ldap.vcf.sddc.lab 636 >> $OUTPUT_FILE
echo 'vCENTER – vcenter1.vcf.sddc.lab' >> $OUTPUT_FILE
./ vcenter1.vcf.sddc.lab 443 >> $OUTPUT_FILE
echo 'vCENTER – vcenter2.vcf.sddc.lab' >> $OUTPUT_FILE
./ vcenter2.vcf.sddc.lab 443 >> $OUTPUT_FILE
echo 'vCENTER – vcenter3.vcf.sddc.lab' >> $OUTPUT_FILE
./ vcenter3.vcf.sddc.lab 443 >> $OUTPUT_FILE
echo 'SDDC MGR – sddc-mgr.vcf.sddc.lab' >> $OUTPUT_FILE
./ sddc-mgr.vcf.sddc.lab 443 >> $OUTPUT_FILE

2. save as don’t modify the content of this file.


cert_date=$(echo | openssl s_client -servername $1 -connect $1:$2 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates | grep notAfter | cut -d= -f2)

cert_date_epoch=$(date -d "$cert_date" "+%s")
now_date_epoch=$(date -d "$now_date" "+%s")

echo $(( ($cert_date_epoch - $now_date_epoch) / 86400 ))

3. to run type


By Kader