This is a walkthrough of installing ESXi 8 fresh on my poweredge r720, I am using a custom dell image from the VMware site, and I am using the force option to install ESXi 8 as my hardware is considered old.
Download dell custom image

Once downloaded the ESXi 8 dell custom image use Rufus to convert it to a usb bootable drive and insert it into the server .
Otherwise if you have IDRAC you can attach the iso there.

Go into bios boot manager to boot it from the USB drive, F11

Select BIOS boot menu

Select where you inserted your usb drive.

Push enter on the installer

Push enter to continue

Push F11 to accept agreement

Select the drive you want to install ESXi 8 on

Select your keyboard layout

Enter the password you want to use for root account

Push enter

Push enter to force the unsupported installation of ESXi 8

F11 to install

Remove usb drive and push enter

Go to the BIOS boot manager

Select BIOS Boot menu

Select the drive you installed ESXi 8 on

Push F2 to customize system

Type in the password and push enter

Go to configure management network and push enter

Go VLAN and push enter

Put in your management vlan and push enter

Go to IPv4 configuration

Select Set static ipv4 and type in IP address, subnet mask and default gateway and push enter

Select DNS configuration and push enter

Select use the following dns server and type in dns ip address(s) and fqdn of esxi host.
Push enter

Push Esc
Push Y to restart management network

Select Test management network and push enter

Push enter

Push enter

Push Esc

Go to a browser and enter FQDN of esxi host
Enter credentials

Un-tick join and click ok

All done, don’t forgot to enter your license key so it doesn’t expired after 60 day

You can now add the host to vCenter