The following blog goes through the process of cleaning up your edges in your VCF environment this has been tested on VCF 4.5

The following items will be removed

  • Tier-1 gateway.
  • Tier-0 router.
  • Edge cluster.
  • Edge node VMs.
  • Edge uplink segments.
  • VLAN-backed transport zones created for the edge deployment.
  • vCenter portgroups created for the edge deployment.
  • Resource pool, if one was created as part of edge deployment.
  • VMware SDDC Manager inventory records of the edge deployment.

Download cleanup tool from the VMware site

copy cleanup tool to the sddc manager. I am using winscp and copying it to the tmp folder.

SSH to the sddc manager and login as SU

Run the following commands

cd /tmp

chmod -R 777 edge_cluster_cleaner_0.24.tar.gz

gzip -d ./edge_cluster_cleaner_0.24.tar.gz

tar xvf ./edge_cluster_cleaner_0.24.tar

cd cleanup/

./ –cluster EC-01 –workload mgmt-domain –user administrator@vsphere.local

Type in the SSO password

Push Y and enter to continue

Screenshots below from my lab


By Kader