When creating a new environment in vrslcm (lifecycle manager) for vidm (identity manager) you get an error message “failing to fetch necessary information”

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You need to edit the timer and restart the service on vrslcm

Ssh to vrslcm as root

vi /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

edit this config from 2m to 10m


location /lcm/lcops/api/policy/products {

limit_req zone=mylimit burst=20 nodelay;

proxy_pass http://vrlcm-server;

proxy_read_timeout 2m;

proxy_send_timeout 2m;



location /lcm/lcops/api/policy/products {

limit_req zone=mylimit burst=20 nodelay;

proxy_pass http://vrlcm-server;

proxy_read_timeout 10m;

proxy_send_timeout 10m;


Restart the service

systemctl restart nginx

Refresh page on vrslcm UI

Screen shots below

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A screenshot of a computer

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By Kader