So what I did was first modify the vcentercreds.xml file to pass through the details, you need to ensure that this account has global permissions in vCenter

New-VICredentialStoreItem -Host vcenterserverfqdn -User account -Password 'password' -File vCenterCreds.xml

Then I created a .ps1 with the following to actually run it, so this will connect to the vCenter and pass through the credentials. So you can make this file as a schedule task to run automatically. 

$VIServer = "vcenterserverfqdn"
$Creds = Get-VICredentialStoreItem -Host $VIServer -File "C:\temp\vCheckHealth\vCenterCreds.xml"
$VIConnection = Connect-VIServer -Server $VIServer -User $Creds.User -Password $Creds.Password
cd C:\temp\vCheckHealth

Remember to update the above with your environment details

Download vcheck -
Configure vcheck

vcheck -config

By Kader