Vrni certificate official VMware article


Download openssl for windows https://kb.firedaemon.com/support/solutions/articles/4000121705#Download-OpenSSL

Extract the zip

Create a vrni-config.cfg file

Put the below information in it but adjust it to your environment


distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name

req_extensions = v3_req

prompt = no


C = AU

ST = Victoria

L = Melbourne

O = VMware

OU = VMware PSO

CN = ni-p.vmware.local


subjectAltName = @alt_names


DNS.1 = ni-p.vmware.local

DNS.2 = nic-p-02.vmware.local

DNS.3 = ni-p-03.vmware.local

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Put the cfg file in the bin folder in openssl were you’re going to run openssl exe

A screenshot of a computer

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Type in the following

openssl genrsa -out vrni1.key 2048

openssl req -new -key vrni1.key -out vrni1.csr -config vrni-config.cfg

openssl rsa -in vrni1.key -check

Two files are created the key and csr

A screenshot of a computer

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Copy it to the platform node, I am using winscp and the support account

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A screenshot of a computer

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Open the csr and copy the text

A screenshot of a computer screen

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Sign your certificate through your certificate authority.


Click request a certificate

A screenshot of a certificate

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Click advanced certificate request

A screenshot of a certificate

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Copy csr into saved request

Select web server

Click submit

Click base 64 encoded.

Click download certificate chain.

A screenshot of a certificate

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Open the file ‘p7b’ and export them as base 64.

A screenshot of a computer

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A screenshot of a computer screen

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Create a new file as combined.crt (You will need to combine them into one file and as a crt file)

Copy the machine cer text at the top, then intermediate second and root at bottom


  1. The machine certificate
  2. The intermediate certificate
  3. The root certificate

Should look like this (I don’t have an intermediate certificate in my lab)

A screenshot of a computer

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Copy the crt to your winscp session open for the platform node

A screenshot of a computer

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Login as support user to your platform server via ssh

Type the following to fix the key file

sed -i ‘s/—–BEGIN PRIVATE KEY—–/—–BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY—–/g’ vrni1.key

sed -i ‘s/—–END PRIVATE KEY—–/—–END RSA PRIVATE KEY—–/g’ vrni1.key

Type the following to verify it is ok

openssl rsa -in vrni1.key -check

file vrni1.key

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file combined.crt

file vrni1.key (should show PEM RSA PRIVATE KEY not ASCII text)


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A screen shot of a computer program

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Login as consoleuser to platform server via ssh

Type in

custom-cert remove

A screen shot of a computer

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Type in the following

custom-cert copy –host localhost –user support –port 22 –path /home/support/combined.crt

custom-cert copy –host localhost –user support –port 22 –path /home/support/vrni1.key

A black screen with white text

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Type in the following

custom-cert list

A black screen with white text

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Type in the following

custom-cert apply

Reboot node

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Check certificate

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Repeat on other nodes.

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A screenshot of a computer

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By Kader