Login to vrslcm
Click locker
Click generate csr
Type in the details of the csr and click generate (in this example I am using my vrops)
File will automatically download
Open the file and copy it from the beginning to the end (DON’T COPY the private key and when you copy include the —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—– & —–END CERTIFICATE—-)
In this example I am using my Microsoft certificate authority to sign the certificate via web enrolment
Login to your web enrolment server
Click advanced certificate request
Copy the csr from the certificate to the saved request (Don’t include the private key)
Select you VMware template and click submit
Select base 64 encoded and click download certificate chain
Once downloaded you need export the certificates
Double click on your p7b file
Expand until you get to certificates folder
Right click on your root certificate > click all tasks > click export
Click next
Select base 64-encoded and click next
Select the location and name you want to use and click next
Click finish
Do the same on the server certificate
Right click server certificate > click all tasks > click export
Click next
Select base 64-encoded and click next
Select the location and name you want to use and click next
Click finish
Once you have all the files you can create your pem file to import to vrslcm
Create your .pem file
1. Private Key
2. Machine or Server certificate
3. Intermediate CA certificates
4. Root Certificate
Copy the private key into the combined .pem file (You can open the files using a text editor)
Under private key copy the machine certificate
Name the certificate > browse your combined .pem file location > click import
Now you can replace your certificate for vrop